
Dirty Picup Lines 使用 GPT-4o 生成



  1. 忙是为了更美好的未来,那我们不如把“忙”变成“蟒”,缠绵一点?
  2. 你说忙得脚不沾地,那就来我这儿,保证让你沾床不起。
  3. 我不介意你很忙,只要给我留个空隙让我溜进去就好。
  4. 如果我是你忙碌一天后的饭后甜点,你会想先尝哪一口?
  5. 忙是好事,但就算满负荷运转,也要给电池充充电吧?我这儿充能迅速有效。
  6. 忙碌也是一种前戏,等你收工,咱们来点高能后戏吧?
Sassy Comebacks
Oh, the classic "I'm busy" response! A subtle art form of dodging in the realm of human interaction. One might consider replying with a quip about finding more hours in the day—perhaps a reference to moonlighting as a time management guru? After all, if their schedule's tighter than a hipster's skinny jeans, they probably need the advice.